Market Overview 4th Qtr 2016

A Year of Surprises The markets overcame their worst start ever to a year and finished 2016 with a gain of 9.5% on the S&P 500 index. The DOW almost touched 20,000 before finally ending the year at 19,780. It was a year marked by surprises and punctuated by the election in which Donald Trump’s […]

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Making Hay in the Housing Crisis

Even though our economy is problematic and any industry struggles to grow, investors need to be poised to profit from emerging business trends.  We are going to have to do this in order to generate top notch returns for clients.  Can we capitalize on these trends within our managed portfolios? One verifiable condition to examine […]

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The High Performing Portfolio

A high performing portfolio has a dual mandate to generate growth and minimize setbacks at the same time. A high performing portfolio strikes a balance that reflects the natural condition of the overall economy and has suitable diversification so that at least some investments within the portfolio will flourish given whatever circumstances occur. To create […]

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*Past Performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment management involves the possibility of losses. Significant general stock market moves up and down can influence the performance of client portfolios. Composite returns are based on client portfolios of over $100,000. Not all clients are included in the composites. All returns include the reinvestment of dividends. All returns are net of fees. Composite returns are derived from aggregated, time weighted returns for clients of Peregrine Asset Advisers. Individual client returns can deviate from the composite returns. While Peregrine uses the S&P 500 as a benchmark, Peregrine does not attempt to mimic the structure of this index. Individual client portfolios vary. The number of stock positions also varies per client.