Investment Edge
You need an edge from your money manager.
How do you receive an edge from Peregrine?
Our management is characterized by a hands-on approach. What does this mean? It means your portfolio will be managed to gain the most from the current investment environment. This work is constant and continuous so that your money will grow.
We invest in pillar companies. These companies have the best growth prospects in the stock market and are marked as being exciting and innovative. These companies are widely recognized and relevant. Investing in these companies can make a big difference in your portfolio.
Our time-tested, comprehensive spectrum of research and management means you will invest in many stocks in order to find the pillars for your investment portfolio. All investments chosen are designed so that you will make a profit but many of these stocks need to be sold because the companies don’t continue to meet stringent tests for holding them in a portfolio. Throughout the process of filtering your portfolio, you should expect monthly cumulative trading profits from the stocks that are sold.
The one-two combination of long-term gains and monthly short-term profits will “..make your assets thrive” and give you an investment edge.
Trading profits and long-term gains are the building blocks to financial independence and “…making assets thrive.”