Lawns and the Market

The US stock market remains stable with limited downside risk. It doesn’t mean that we are in a bull mode with all of the indexes rising. In fact, before today the Dow was down for the year and the S&P was only up 1.4%.  Overall, the markets are digesting the gains from the last two years. This digestion period could last for many months.

Lawns and the Market

Some areas of the market are standing out, however. The NASDAQ is up 8% in 2018 and the Russell 2000 is at new highs, up 6%.

Plenty of strength exists in exclusive areas of the market and this gives investors the green light to invest.

Despite widespread concerns about economic factors, this is a promising environment for investor accounts to grow.

Our state happens to be the best producer of grass seed in the country. This article is a fascinating account of our land usage.

Peregrine Asset Advisers ● 9755 SW Barnes Rd. Suite 295 ● Portland Oregon 97225
503.459.4651 ● 800.278.1420 ●

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*Past Performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment management involves the possibility of losses. Significant general stock market moves up and down can influence the performance of client portfolios. Composite returns are based on client portfolios of over $100,000. Not all clients are included in the composites. All returns include the reinvestment of dividends. All returns are net of fees. Composite returns are derived from aggregated, time weighted returns for clients of Peregrine Asset Advisers. Individual client returns can deviate from the composite returns. While Peregrine uses the S&P 500 as a benchmark, Peregrine does not attempt to mimic the structure of this index. Individual client portfolios vary. The number of stock positions also varies per client.